Sulphur Concrete Products

Khalid Cement is leading its way in developing eco-friendly concrete elements adhering to its philosophy of “caring the environment” vide our new  production technology.

As part of KCIC’s continuing efforts to produce more “Environmentally responsible Precast Concrete Elements”, KCIC and Shell have signed a collaboration agreement to develop Sulphur Concrete Products for the construction industry in the State of Qatar.
Sulphur Concrete Technology offers considerable resource savings and enhanced recyclability as this manufacturing process does not require neither cement nor water, products can be recycled by crushing, reheating and remolding, and on top these products can be made with locally available Qatari materials.
Thus, switching to this new technology can help us and our customers to improve our environmental performance for a better, cleaner and more sustainable construction practices in the State of Qatar.

Characteristics of Sulphur Concrete Products:
§ High resistance  to acids and salts
§ High compressive abrasion and flexural strength
§ Rapid setting, hence more volumetric production
§ Excellent freeze thaw capability
§ Highly impermeable
 Non-corrosive and wide range of colors
Environmental Benefits using Sulphur Concrete Technology:
§ Lower carbon footprint than portland cement
§ Less energy for overall manufacturing  process          
§ Less CO² released compared to conventional
concrete mixing
§ Waste reduction – through reheating and remolding
§ Zero consumption of natural water
Specifically suitable for “any concrete element which is touching soil or water”
§ Marine constructions
§ Heavy movement / industrial pavers
§ Infrastructure and road constructions
§ Retaining wall constructions
§ Concrete landscaping works


For More Information Plz Visit: Khalid Cement Industries Complex WLL